The Cake my Mom Bought for my Bon Voyage Get-Together
"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~ Mark Twain
It's Midnight on Saturday May 22nd, 2010, I'm situated in my tent, just a hundred feet from the shore of Lake Superior. Today was the first day of my journey through the U.S., and well, my mom must be pretty peeved with Mark Twain right now, lol. It's not easy seeing your loved ones say their goodbyes and to feel their pain as they let go yet another time. And I am so incredibly lucky to have such amazing parents that support me and know that I should do this - even though it breaks their hearts, and even though they fear for my safety. I'll check in often, follow my instincts and won't let them down. Times flies, I'll be back in no time.

- Lodging: Primariy tent camping; I will splurge on cheap motels when it's raining, etc.
- Dining: Cheap, but nutritious. Breakfast may consist of a mineral-rich protein powder mixed beverage (don't worry, nothing crappy like Slim Fast!). Lunch will perhaps be $5 Subway footlong, with which I'll eat half for lunch, half for dinner. I'll splurge occasionally when the mood strikes.
- Entertainment & Recreation: I'll be able to take the savings of cheap lodging/dining to endulge in all the states have to offer (tours, attractions, etc)!
- Route: I'm heading out East first: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania...I can't wait to see my friend Kevin in Connecticut, yay!
- Timeline: None. I'm taking this at my own pace; one state at a time. As I'm seeing one state I'll be coming up with a list of things to see in the next, so on and so forth. I'll be done when I'm done.
TRAVEL COMPANIONS (Travel guide books)
- "1000 Places in the U.S. and Canada to see before you die." (By the way, do they really need to add the "before you die" part in there? I mean, c'mon. Thanks for the reminder.
- "Weird U.S."
My friends, you can help assist my travels in two ways:
1. Do you know someone fairly close to a city I've listed? Can they host me for a night or two?
2. Do you know a place/attraction/oddity in an upcoming state that I really shouldn't miss?
- Lodging: Primariy tent camping; I will splurge on cheap motels when it's raining, etc.
- Dining: Cheap, but nutritious. Breakfast may consist of a mineral-rich protein powder mixed beverage (don't worry, nothing crappy like Slim Fast!). Lunch will perhaps be $5 Subway footlong, with which I'll eat half for lunch, half for dinner. I'll splurge occasionally when the mood strikes.
- Entertainment & Recreation: I'll be able to take the savings of cheap lodging/dining to endulge in all the states have to offer (tours, attractions, etc)!
- Route: I'm heading out East first: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania...I can't wait to see my friend Kevin in Connecticut, yay!
TRAVEL COMPANIONS (Travel guide books)
- "1000 Places in the U.S. and Canada to see before you die." (By the way, do they really need to add the "before you die" part in there? I mean, c'mon. Thanks for the reminder.
- "Weird U.S."
My friends, you can help assist my travels in two ways:
1. Do you know someone fairly close to a city I've listed? Can they host me for a night or two?
2. Do you know a place/attraction/oddity in an upcoming state that I really shouldn't miss?
Will you be taking pictures? Can't wait to read your blog everyday :) Have fun Matthew !!!
ReplyDeleteYou know you've got a place in Wichita BABY!! And if you're here before Labor Day we could go to Cowtown Museum (haven't been yet, can you believe it??) I'll think of other people I might know. What a fun exciting adventure!! Can't wait to live thru your blog!!
ReplyDeleteYou're on the road. YUP!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kara, I really appreciate it!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Matthew! I finally got signed onto your blog! Can't wait to read more! I have a brother in Iowa (by Omaha, NB) and my sister by San. Fran. so when you are close to them let me know and I will hook you up with a place to stay. Have fun! (((Hugs)))
ReplyDeleteAWESOME! Thanks Bonnie!!! =)